United we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Mesa.
Foster360’s mission is to break the cycle of homelessness and adversity for youth aging out of foster care. We accomplish this by providing our clients with holistic wraparound services that empower them with the necessary tools, education, and mindset to succeed in life. Foster360 provides safe housing in a trauma-informed, community-centric and compassionate environment. For more information, CLICK HERE.
The Mesa Unites Fund fights for the health, education, and welfare of everyone in Mesa.
(Formerly “Mesa Veteran’s Resource Center”)
The Azura Veterans Coalition provides a centralized location offering comprehensive resources to access services and personal assistance including: employment, soft skills training, resume building, health care, in house mental health and benefits counseling, navigation for housing and rental assistance, addiction counseling, transportation assistance, veteran focused support groups, and interactive classes. For more information, CLICK HERE.
In 2009, Arizona foster families experienced a 50% reduction in basic needs financial assistance as well as an influx of children in need of their care. Difficult financial conditions on a national scale and the high cost of caring for children forced many families to foster fewer children or to close their doors to new placements entirely. Helen’s Hope Chest was created to reduce the financial burden on foster and kinship families while creating a safe, welcoming, and dignified space for the children in their care. For more information, CLICK HERE.
(Formerly “12 Books”)
Azura Literacy was started in 2014 as an initiative to improve literacy among elementary students in Mesa by distributing free books for summer reading. Since its inception, the program has expanded the free distributions in Title I schools and has started a free reading mentor program for students struggling with literacy. Azura Literacy strives to give disadvantaged children a greater chance to succeed. For more information, CLICK HERE.
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
VITA provides expert tax-preparation services free of change to low- and moderate-income households. This year, households with an income of $60,000 or less qualify for our VITA services. VITA ensures that tax returns are prepared accurately and that these individuals and families receive all the tax benefits to which they are entitled, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, which provides a check to qualified households even if no taxes were paid. For more information, CLICK HERE.