Use our secure giving portal to give now:
Get a dollar for dollar credit when you file your Arizona state income tax:
Mesa United Way can receive both the AZ Charitable Tax Credit and AZ Foster Care Tax Credit. Use the 'widget above to contribute to these tax credits.
When you file your taxes, use Umbrella QCO code 20726 and/or Umbrella QFCO code 17326.
For a detailed description, please click on the red button below:
Donate Stock
Donating stock is easier than ever with our secure online transfer tool, FreeWill. Save on capital gains, receive a tax deduction, and make more impact when you give stock or mutual funds today.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are at least 70.5 years old, you may be eligible to make a tax-free gift through your retirement account (sometimes called a Qualifying Charitable Distribution or QCD). Use the button below to contact us for more information.
Donor Advised Funds
Contribute cash, non-cash assets, or property to your Donor Advised Fund (DAF), let it grow, and fund charitable grants for years to come. DAFs are quickly becoming one of the most popular major gift options available.
Arizona Charitable & Foster Care Tax Credits
If you are an Arizona taxpayer, you can take advantage of both the Charitable Tax Credit and the Foster Care Tax Credit with a gift to Mesa United Way! When you give to qualifying agencies, such as our Umbrella QCO or QFCO funds, you receive a dollar-for-dollar credit against your state tax liability. You can even carry your credits over for up to 5 years!